Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Little Lies

Don’t EVER lie to me.
I’m serious.
All of us have our pet peeves but lies are something I won’t tolerate.
You can hurt my feelings, forget a lunch date, or change plans at the last minute and I’ll forgive you but I have a long memory and a deep distrust when it comes to someone who has lied. That’s a biggie in my book. Now before you think I’m a little too “holier than thou”, hear me out.
I’m not talking about those little lies everyone tells. Those polite words that make things nicer or make someone feel better. I’ll admit to telling a few of those myself.
My kids know that lying is the big no-no. They know if I ask “What did you do?“ they know they better fess up because the punishment they’ll get for whatever they’ve done is FAR preferable to the trouble they’ll be in if they lie and I find out about it.
Of course, you don‘t have to tell everything. Every parent knows there are some things that we’d prefer our kids not ever know about us. Mistakes we’ve made, things we’ve tried. I could fill a book with things I’ve done over the years to keep my secrets without telling out and out lies to my kids. But that’s because I’m imagining the looks in their eyes if they ever caught Mom in a lie. The disappointment of finding hypocrisy in the one place they thought they could always trust. I’m not saying they think I’m perfect, they know me far too well, but they know I tell them the truth. Honesty is my policy. Not much sugar coating around here.
It is very important to me that my kids know they can always trust me. As their parent, I hope they will always come to me for guidance and advice. I won’t always know all the answers, and I try to be honest about that as well. One lesson that I want them to learn and to carry throughout their lives:
Trust is hard won, terribly easy to break, and once broken, is never quite what it was. I can’t stress that enough!!!!!
So why am I blogging about honesty and trust…..I’m not entirely sure.
Call it, therapeutic blogging. Sometimes I need to be completely raw and honest with my frustrations, my fears and my questions. And sometimes just reading what others are dealing with and how they feel can be strangely empowering.

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