Saturday, December 20, 2008

Two Weeks Together

Today is the first day of our official Christmas vacation. I am so glad that the kids are finally off from school, so I can sleep in a little and have them to myself for a while. I love when the kids are home, they fill the house with all the noises I love to hear: cartoons, laughter, and their cute little voices. I have the pantry stocked with home made recipe ingredients, cookies from scratch, and crafts to keep us busy. I also managed to set up play dates each week for the kiddos while they are off, play time for the time for the mommy's. I think this Christmas vacation will the best one yet, I plan to make the most of it. I'm working on my New Years Resolution, it's definitely one I will stick with, I'll post it once I have fine tuned it. So for now, the next two weeks will be filled with all the fun times I remember having when I was a kid, family time and time with good friends: these are the memories that live on forever...........:)

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