Sunday, August 30, 2009

need my whine

so, i like to drink wine.... to anyone that knows me, this is no news. but what you may not know is that I don't drink for myself...that would be selfish.

I do it for one simple keep my entire family happy.

okay...that may be a little dramatic, but you get the drift. I do it for my sanity and let's face it, without that, EVERYONE in this house would be miserable. I believe the role of mother, driver, maid, and chef is the most under appreciated job in the world. And with being under appreciated, comes a little...okay, a lot, of bitchiness. you hardly ever hear the words "thank you" or "please." you are just expected to do "it." whatever "it" may be. and what sucks is that if you think this way or dare say it out loud, you seem ungrateful for the opportunity to stay at home with your kids...which is not the case. I've been a stay at home mom and a working mom and don't feel like I missed out on much either way. And a mother's job is not only in her house!!! but...sometimes you can't help but feel like the hired help, without a paycheck or sick days ofcourse.

Sometimes, just knowing that my refreshing glass of wine is waiting for me, is the only thing that gets me through the day. When I am surrounded by laundry, dishes in the sink, and screaming kids....yep, a chilled glass can go a long way. No one tells you how hard it's going to be...being a parent. all you hear is all the great things~and don't get me wrong, there are MANY!
But sometimes a little something at the end of the day, really makes my day =)

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