Friday, July 17, 2009

Won't You Be My Neighbor ?

Until recently I’ve lived in small towns where everyone knew each other, you graduated with the same kids that you went to Elementary school with and neighborhoods were full of families that shared the similar family values.
I guess I am a June Cleaver at heart but, the neighborly contacts I’d thought existed, like bringing muffins or cookies and housewarming visits are a thing of the past. I know my expectations are unreal, but I was hoping my belief that 'wisteria lane' died decades ago, was not true. And my neighborhood has certainly been a challenge, to say the least.
A good neighbor is rare and does not refer to the person living next door or someone who agrees to pick up your mail while you’re out of town. A neighbor is the person who borrows a cup of sugar then shares the homemade pie. It’s the person who notices you struggling to unload groceries and hurries to help. Or one who simply offers a warm hello when you go check the mailbox.
When I first moved into my new house, I was lonesome for family and friends and decided that I would actively take every opportunity to be a good neighbor. I was on a mission, but with my lack of awareness, I assumed that this would be easy. So, as I went about with my busy mommy life, I would sometimes contemplate the difference between my method of making friends and my desire to know my neighbors.
I must have been very sheltered growing up to believe that most adults are well mannered.
My point?.....
This morning I walked outside and saw a moving truck across the street. One of the nice families has packed their belongings and are gone. Leaving me to wonder what kind of family will live there next. I know I sound a little selfish but, I want another NICE family to move in. I don’t think I could handle another crazy neighbor.
Building camaraderie with the neighbors cannot be accomplished over night, I know that. After all, being a neighbor is more than swapping recipes and sharing iced tea on the back porch.

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