Tuesday, December 29, 2009

s(NO)w fun

Today was the third time it snowed this month. The snow gives us good reason to bundle up as a family to watch a movie, turn on the fireplace, and have hot drinks. I love this time of year. Although the cold and snow is nice, personally, I miss living in Florida. I miss being able to wear flip flops all year, wearing only a light jacket over a t-shirt, and not having to warm the car in the morning. I tortured myself and looked up their weather today...high of 66, low of 55. I could really use some of that right now.
Don't get me wrong, I love having seasons but I don't like the cold! If the wind hits you just right, it stings. Not to mention the layers of clothes I have to put on and the pile of cold wet clothes that get piled by the door as the kids come in and out. I would much rather take a hot and humid summer day over this!
But my kids love it. The minute they see a fresh snowfall, they bundle up and head outside. I've appointed myself the official hot chocolate maker which is an indoor job.

Here are some photos of today.......

1 comment:

My Life in Motion said...

We have had about 8 inches today and will have more by the end of the week. I am sick of it, but it will be around till June here!