I look at 2010 as the year I am going to remember the most. I plan on making lots of changes but I have one resolution request that outstands the rest. Just one.
It has nothing to do with fitting into a smaller jean size or eating less carbs. It is a rather selfish resolution because it doesn’t involve working towards world peace or saving the environment. But at the same time, one of the reasons I am making it is that I am pretty sure that it will hugely benefit my family, my friends, and other people around me.
My resolution has to do with something we all do, every single day, so partly it feels silly to even be making it. But I’ve failed miserably at sticking to it for the past several years and I can think of nothing better than to write about it so it can stare me in the face and remind me that it’s something I need to do.
So here goes, my one and only resolution for 2010:
Get. More. Sleep.
That’s it. Specifically, I am aiming to get at least 7 hours of sleep on most nights. If you know me, you know that this is a major achievement for me. On an average night I sleep about 5 hours and while experts say that each of us has a different sleep requirement, let me tell you that I don’t sleep that little because that’s all I need. I need a lot more and I am going to need to re-prioritize to make sure that it happens. I am sure I will fail often but seeing how lack of sleep has affected me this year – I am so much more tired, cranky, anxious, exhausted, and short-fused than before, and I’m fairly certain that I am eating more crap and more in general to compensate for the lack of energy. I don’t need experts to tell me about health risks of not getting enough sleep, I am now well aware of them on my own.
So 2010, here I come, better slept, if nothing else!
Taking a long Break from Blogging
10 years ago