Thursday, June 11, 2009

Such A Princess

Sometimes I feel like Cinderella? No, not the princess version but, you know, the one with all the cooking, cleaning, and busy housework.
Being married, having kids, and running a household is like living the first thirty minutes of your average fairytale. I wonder sometimes what I did to deserve it all. And you know something? I'm not falling for the Happily-Ever-After crap. Nope, not at all, because once you're married, it's.all.over.honey!
Those poor fairy tale princesses, I'm betting they didn't know what they were in for. There's a reason all of their tales ended when they did and why we never got a follow-up.
Sure, we can probably assume that each Prince whisked his bride away on a lovely honeymoon. But the second they got back to their castles, I'm thinking it was all downhill for our young maidens. Taking that all into account, I'm quite certain this is how they turned out:


Yep, that's them, married with kids, and all about to head off to the funny farm. Haha!

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