Sunday, March 8, 2009

Time for Mom

When I don’t get private time, it’s a problem. I am realizing more and more that I talk to do not take enough time and energy to take care of myself sometimes. I always put my needs last. I am guilty of running the kids around in my yoga pants and comfy T’s but….Hello!? If you do not take care of yourself, how do you expect to take care of others? Some parents end up begrudging other people because their own needs are never met.
So here are some tips I use to get what I like to call mommy-time:
1) Schedule It
This is very important. Make mommy time like an appointment, put it on the family calendar, your palm pilot and put up post-it notes. This should be your most important appointment of the week.
2) What Not To Do
Mommy time is not for catching up on filing, chores, phone calls or cleaning the garage. This should be something totally fun and rejuvenating. I always recommend making a not-to-do-list before the start of your time. This will make sure you do not ‘accidently’ start a ‘task.’
3) Leave Guilt at the Door
If you decide to schedule in your time, also decide to leave guilt behind. You deserve this, you are an awesome mother! If you are going to feel guilty afterwards then it is almost not worth taking the time at all, because the whole point is for you to relax.
4) Keep it Regular
Ok, so you did it…once. Make sure to do this at least once every two weeks…every week is even better! Also make sure if you have a busy spouse to help them find their time too.
Some moms think that an occasional outing with friends is unacceptable. What??! There is nothing wrong with putting on some make-up and getting all dolled up for an evening of adult conversation, laughter, and wine. In doing so, on a regular monthly basis, I feel happier and that doesn’t make me less of a mother, I think it makes me a better one!

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