Tomorrow is the day for the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills test, better known as the TAKS test. These tests are very high stakes for elementary school students - the children must pass this one test today in order to graduate to the next grade level. If they fail, they're doomed to repeat their grade, no matter how good they might do in school otherwise. (Actually, the students get 3 chances to pass.) My daughter and one of her cousins are taking the test this year, and they're both fretting over it. 3rd and 4th graders, are almost as nervous as college students at finals time. Sydney has studied all the content, done hundreds of problems, taken practice test after practice test. And now, it’s TAKS game day. Tonight, Mike and I sat Sydney down for a TAKS test pep talk. Of course, we know Sydney is a great reader and a straight A student but, when I started asking her about the big day, she broke down. She said that some kids in her class are betting on who will finish first. She felt very pressured and nervous. The mother in me wanted to hug her and tell her that she didn't have to take this silly test, but I knew that wasn't going to work. So I had to pull myself together and be the encouraging mother that I am. We played fun family games tonight (to get her mind off the test), she went to bed early to make sure she gets enough rest, I wrote her an encouraging letter that she will open in the morning and her lunch will have a special surprise to let her know that mom, dad, sister, and brother are thinking of her and are very proud. I didn't mind doing all these things for her but home schooling is sounding pretty good right about now. I am sure Sydney will do just fine but I will be nervous for her all day......hmmm, I wonder wher she gets it from.
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